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  • Who wants to join the crazy town express??

    If Trump offered me a Kool aid id probably drink it.
  • Did Trump hoist himself on his own petard???

    Every time the Deep State tries to hang Trump out to dry, he just becomes stronger and more popular.  
  • Would You Vote For A Convicted Felon?


    I just read your opening sentence it sums up perfectly how incredibly st-pid you are...,..

    represented by your corrupted ideology even though you're a UK th-ug atheist.

    I have no ideology , I'm not from the UK and I've never been convicted of thuggery you ridiculous troll.

    You're a vicious hate filled c-nt who calls himself a christian what has you so angry is it the fact your wife is a wizened old  hag who with you never did a decent deed in her life just like her corrupt husband ( you) who got f-cked out of the police force for being on the take.
  • Would You Vote For A Convicted Felon?


    Ahh I see , so the American government is corrupt and you worked 30 years in law enforcement in protection of a corrupt're a hypocrite
  • Can you Explain Trumps Crime?

    Corporate jurisprudence is extremely complicated. In many cases crimes can have layers of abstraction and obstruction making them hard to parse without a firm background in the field. For example, there can be a derivative with the underlying asset itself being a derivative on some convoluted business contract, and the contract itself may contain a clause that makes existence of such a derivative impossible - and the person putting the derivative on sale may be aware of it, but doing so anyway in order to gain unfair competitive advantage. It is very hard to explain why this is a crime, and even if I write down a few equations and explain to you how the person essentially appropriates funds he does not have a claim on, you will likely be very confused unless you have a serious experience working with very exotic contracts and deliveries. Yet the crime is very real and, in essence, not different from taking something expensive from a store and leaving without paying for it.

    I cannot explain Trump's crime: not an expert, did not study the case. I, however, am highly suspicious of the zeal with which many people jump to the assumption that this was a political case. As far as I can tell, the US is not a banana republic in which the court system is highly politicized, and Trump is not exactly a champion of virtue and integrity either.

    There are witch hunts, and there are fair court procedures. Multiple attacks by Democrats on Trump during and after his presidency, especially the attempt to impeach him, were witch hunts. This one does not come across as a witch hunt to me, and just because the guy was mistreated by a group of influential people in the past does not give him an alibi for all possible accusations.
    I, however, will be the first to say that the pressure to imprison Trump based on this verdict would be a witch hunt. Whether Trump should go to prison or not should have absolutely nothing to do with his presidential candidacy, and all senators, representatives and other candidates should shut the hell up and let the system of justice do its job.
  • Who wants to join the crazy town express??


    You BELIEVED there was no Russian collusion because Trump TOLD you there wasn't.  In spite of the vote count, you BELIEVED Trump won the election because he told you he did.  Contrary to what you SAW with your own eyes, you BELIEVED the attack on our capitol was simply tourists enjoying the day, because Trump said they were..  You BELIEVE keeping top secret documents in your closet was legal because the President Records Act allowed him to keep stuff.  You BELIEVE that Trump didn't diddle Stormy Daniels because he said he didn't.  You BELIEVE his recent trial was rigged because he said it was. 

    I dunno..  If he offered you koolaid, would you drink it?  Frankly, I think you would.


  • Who will win the 2024 Presidential Election and Why?

    Bad news for Democrats - polling is indicating that Trump's conviction will not make a difference to voters in November.

    Even leftist 'news' persons are admitting that it may be beneficial to Trump -
  • Do I Have To Respect Your Beliefs?

    Joeseph said:

    People like Peterson express themselves using similar terminology to Deepak Chopra as you correctly stated its meant to sound profound and it flies as most people are to intellectually lazy to bother calling him on his b-ll.

    Peterson has in the past supplied these definitions of god......

    1. God is expressed in the truthful speech that rectifies pathological hierarchies.

    That's just nonsense.......
    1. God confronts the Chaos of Being itself and generates Habitable Order (that's the metaphysical proposition).

    Sounds exactly like Deepak ......
    1. God is a transcendent reality that's only observable across the longest of timeframes.

    LOL ........

    Peterson loves using the term." hierarchy".

    Deepak Chopra ....God is the evolutionary impulse of the universe.

    Sounds like they went to the same finishing school for snake oil salesmen.
    Putting a lot of complex words together and making dramatic pauses to fascinate the audience is something these people have made into an art. While in reality they do not seem to understand basic English. Here is Jordan making it clear that he does not know what "do" means:

    Chopra's tactics is easier: he just inserts word "quantum" after every 5-10 words following a uniform distribution. :D
  • Do I Have To Respect Your Beliefs?


    People like Peterson express themselves using similar terminology to Deepak Chopra as you correctly stated its meant to sound profound and it flies as most people are to intellectually lazy to bother calling him on his b-ll.

    Peterson has in the past supplied these definitions of god......

    1. God is expressed in the truthful speech that rectifies pathological hierarchies.

    That's just nonsense.......
    1. God confronts the Chaos of Being itself and generates Habitable Order (that's the metaphysical proposition).

    Sounds exactly like Deepak ......
    1. God is a transcendent reality that's only observable across the longest of timeframes.

    LOL ........

    Peterson loves using the term." hierarchy".

    Deepak Chopra ....God is the evolutionary impulse of the universe.

    Sounds like they went to the same finishing school for snake oil salesmen.
  • Are Republicans America's Main Problem?

    Yes.  They are a threat to democracy.   For modern Republicans, democracy only works — and is only worth it — when and if they win.  Republicans have searched for multiple election cycles for the right vehicle and packaging for their white nationalism, religious nationalism, nativism, craven capitalism, and sexism.

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